My Journey From Creative To Entrepreneur
🎬 Episode 10- Back to Life! 🥳💃🏽🤩
The last episode ended with Folasade Daini reaching out to say she needed a stylist for her baby’s first birthday shoot. So yeah, she reached out, we had conversations about what she wanted to achieve, and I immediately went to work on the project.
You already know from the last episode that I hadn’t exactly thought about work in a long time.
I mean, it’s someone that is alive and well that can be thinking about making money and serving people.
Plus, apart from the fact that I attended a hangout with a friend which told me I could possibly begin to go out by myself now, I still hadn’t made any efforts in that direction. And here I was with a project staring me in the face? I became anxious.
“How am I going to pull it off in the state that I’m in? Like what magic am I supposed to perform exactly?” I wanted to run away. 😂😭
I told Oluwanifesi Adefila about it, she was very excited for me, and told me I could do it! Babe didn’t give me any room to talk myself out of it, or back down from it. At some point, I summoned the courage and decided I was going to do it.
I held on to God and His word. He had been saying to me, “consider not your own body”, so that’s exactly what I did!
I made up my mind to ignore everything I was feeling because it wasn’t real, and just show up to the occasion to do what needed to be done. Now that I’m sharing this, I honestly don’t know how I did it, because omo.🤣😂😭 But then again, I know that greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world. So yes I know that it was God’s power at work in and through me.
I told myself that I was fine, and nothing was wrong with me, then I held on to God’s word and pretty much just entered Beast mode! 😎
Quick warning: This type of beast mode better be truly and deeply anchored on the word of God oh🤣😂 because some situations will not answer to sheer resilience and willpower.
You literally have to superimpose the supernatural on the natural by standing on the word of God concerning the situation, believing in what you’re doing without any iota of doubt, and act like it, regardless of what you’re seeing or feeling, till it gives way. This is faith!
I created a mood board, got on several phone calls, reached out to vendors, went shopping for necessary items, and we eventually had the shoot.
Guess who killed it at every touchpoint, from consultation to execution? Your star girl! 🥳💃🏽
If you have ever attended any R.C.C.G service or program, you already know this is the point where you’re supposed to shout, “Jesus! Oh, my God! Wow.”🤣😂😭
Please forgive my dry joke😭 I couldn’t help it. 🤣😂😭
Anyway, so we had the shoot, and it was an absolute success. Thanks to CapturedbyAdesuwa who outdid herself. Let me just let you know that if you’re looking for a photographer for your kids, this is a premium brand right here! I love how great she is with kids, and I highly recommend.
Just seeing my client flipping buzzing with excitement and satisfaction after everything, gave me nothing but joy! Realizing that I actually did pull it off in that state, gave me even so much more joy!
Knowing that from start to finish, I did all I did only by God’s help and grace, was such a game changer for me. Nobody can ever tell me there’s no God, that He is not real, that He is not powerful, good, loving and kind, and that His word is not true. Nobody! I’ve lived it, literally.
If you ask my client, and every other person that was present, they would definitely tell you they had no idea anything was wrong with me. I functioned perfectly well through it all.
You can check out my client’s bts. Just in case you missed it, see this pinned review now!😍😍😍
You can check out this reel with (not so baby — anymore)rere’s pictures. Also, see these gorgeous pictures from the shoot ⬇️ now, my chest! 🥺😍😍😍
Don’t these pictures make you just want to start a family and have cute babies asap? 😩😭😍 Me too! 🥹 Don’t worry, soon. God has got us covered. 🤗🤗🤗
To bring the year to a crowning end, Adepoju Bakare, reached out to me to say He wanted to do a shoot to rebrand himself. We decided we were going to work with what he already had in his wardrobe, and basically breathe new life upon them!
This was something I really had so much fun doing. One of my favorite parts about it was seeing how shocked and excited he got when he realized he had actually been sitting on a gold mine of untapped potential. Like he honestly had a lot going with his wardrobe, but just needed his eyes to be open to see color combinations, as well as understand mixing and matching!
Cuz I mean, just look at what we created from His wardrobe now! ⬇️ 🤩
I came up with about 8+ different looks from His wardrobe. He was stunned! He hasn’t stopped raving about how I have changed his sense of style and opened his eyes to new possibilities were styling himself is concerned!
I hope you haven’t forgotten where we are coming from! I hope you haven’t forgotten that my year started with me being at such a low, drab, and dark place. And just like that, here I was ending it with such a big bang, all thanks to God and His word! 🥺😩😭🫶🏽
I want you to know that with God, nothing! And I mean, absolutely nothing, is impossible to you. Don’t lose hope, don’t give up, don’t lose heart.
It doesn’t matter how low or dark wherever you’re currently at is, and it honestly doesn’t matter how long you’ve been there for. God is making a way for you! There will be light at the end of the tunnel, I promise!
What the enemy meant for evil, God is about to turn it around for your good.
Cheers to brand new beginnings in God. 🎉🎈🥂💌
To be continued in the next episode!
Did you enjoy reading today’s episode? How did it make you feel? Was it helpful? Did you learn anything? what stood out for you? Let me know all of these, and more, in the comments. Also please like, share/repost for more reach!
If you have missed out on previous episodes, you should totally catch up below⬇️