You are staring at the coolest 29 year old you would ever find! 🥹😍😍😍
I’m getting older, and enjoying every bit of my journey. I’m looking younger, feeling smarter, looking more beautiful, feeling, thinking and looking healthier and wealthier. Welcome to the happiest year of my life🥳💃🏽 Like for real, my life has honestly never been better.🥳💃🏽
Since we’re all getting older and a lot of millennials are starting to feel old, while most gen z’s feel too young to take their place in their generation, let’s address age excusitis, and deal with it once and for all.
Age Excusitis is the failure disease of never being the right age. It comes in two easily identifiable forms: the “I’m too old” and the “I’m too young” variety.
You must have heard people say things like, “I would love to do this, but maybe if I was a lot younger. I’m too old to begin that process/do that now.”
Also in this day and time where young. people are getting married early, becoming billionaires at 18 or in their 20s, and starting to have their lives figured out really early, there is a tendency for you to feel pressured and begin to develop anxiety when you are getting older, and it looks like your life is not going according to plan.
There are also those who feel, “I’m too young to take up that leadership position.” “Most of the people there are older than me. They won’t listen to me.” Or “I don’t feel old enough to do this now, maybe when I’m a lot older.”
There are very few people who feel they are the perfect age to live their best life, chase their dreams, and do all that they really want to do.
This has closed the door of real opportunity to thousands of individuals. They think their age is wrong, so they don’t even bother trying.
The “I’m too old” gang is the most common form of age excusitis. It’s even worse today where the subtle narrative being sold to us is that once you turn 30, you’re already too old for certain opportunities.
I remember taking to my instagram on my 25th birthday to talk about how I wasn’t so excited about my birthday, because the devil had tried to make me feel like I wasn’t accomplishing so much, by societal standards. It wasn’t until I started to bask in God’s love for me, that I started to feel better and hopeful about the future.
Look at me now, 29 and thriving because I’ve defeated age excusitis once and for all! So let’s get right into how you can too.
Let me start by informing you that generally speaking, “a human being’s productive life begins at about 20 and ends about 70.” As a matter of fact, some people are still highly productive after 70.
But let’s even say we leave it at 70, that means your productive years stretch from 20–70, which is fifty years, or half a century, in between.
This means that if you are currently 30 for example, you have spent only 10 years of your productive life, and you still have 40 more. If you are 40, you have spent only 20 years of your productive life, and you still have 30 more.
This means that you haven’t even spent half of your productive years yet.
If you still have many opportunity filled years left, do you see that the fuss about your age is really energy in the wrong direction?
You are not so old after all. It’s all up in your mind! Besides, how old you are is not important. It’s your attitude towards your age that makes it a blessing or a hinderance.
Curing yourself of age excusitis often opens doors to opportunities that you thought were locked tight. When you defeat age excusitis, the natural result is to gain the optimism of youth and feel like a youth.
When you beat down your fears of age limitations, you also add years and success to your life.
Old age is a failure disease. Defeat it by refusing to let it hold you back.
The “I’m too young” variety of age excusitis does damage too. Remember these three points, and everything will work out just fine.
1.Don’t be age conscious- You become old enough the day you prove to be able to step into the shoes. Your number of birthdays have nothing to do with it.
When you prove you are able to handle the job, you automatically become old enough.
2.Don’t take advantage of your office/position- Show respect to your subordinates, as well as those who are older than you. Ask them for their suggestions, make them feel like they are working for a team captain, not a dictator.
Do this, and they will work with you, not against you.
3. Get used to having older people working for you- Leaders in all fields eventually discover that they are younger than many of the people they supervise. So get used to having older men work for you.
And never forget that, “your age won’t be a handicap, unless you make it one.”
Youth is a liability only when the youth thinks it is. What really matters is how well you know your job. If you know your job and understand people, you’re sufficiently mature to handle it.
Age has no real relation to ability, unless you convince yourself that years alone will give you all that you need to make your mark.
Many young people feel that they are being held back because of their youth. It might be true that another person in an organization, who is insecure and job-secured may try to block your way forward using age, or some other reason.
But guess what? The people who really count in the company will not.They will give you as much responsibility as they feel you can handle well.
Demonstrate that you have ability and positive attitudes, and your youthfulness will be considered an advantage.
In summary, the cure for age excusitis is:
1.Look at your present age positively. Think “I’m still young,” not “I’m already old.”
Practice looking forward to new horizons and gain the enthusiasm and the feel of youth.
2.Compute how much productive time you have left. Remember, a person age thirty still has 80 percent of his productive life ahead of him.
3. Invest future time in doing what you really want to do. It’s too late only when you let your mind go negative and think it’s too late.
Stop thinking “I should have started years ago.” That is failure thinking. Instead think, “I’m going to start now, my best years are ahead of me.”
This is the way successful people think!
Most importantly, the best way to defeat age excusitis is to be in sync with the God who made you.
Being in sync with God puts you in a place where you have clarity of purpose and assignment, and that just changes everything about your life.
You simply reach a place of contentment and excitement about your life, because you now see yourself through God’s eyes, you understand His plans and purpose for your life, and you know there’s a place for you in your generation.
A place with your name on it. A place that you alone can occupy, and you see that there is no reason whatsoever to be in competition with anyone else, but yourself.
This is a genuinely great, and exciting place to be, and I really do pray that this becomes your reality.😘
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